07 April 2011

Tips to protect your smartphone from malware

Nokia on its offical blog has shared a couple of tips to avoid malware and stay safe.The malware or virus on mobile is not a myth but reality and precautions for avaoiding infection is a great way to protect your data.Nokia shares that Android and iPhone users will be the prime target and symbian's stingent security protects from malware infection.
Though true here are a couple of tips to stay safe simple but effective one's

  • Don’t use modified/hacked software.
  • Make regular and multiple backups.
  • Download apps or games from official channels.
  • Enable your phone’s security settings – such as the security code – to stop people getting hold of your phone and installing dodgy software.
  • Don’t accept Bluetooth connections from anybody you don’t know. Be cautious even if you do know them – their “hilarious” new app might turn out to be anything but.
  • Turn off the Bluetooth on your phone if you’re not using it.
  • Only log onto trustworthy websites when using your mobile phone for Internet browsing.
  • Be wary of logging into public WiFi hotspots unless you can verify that they’re legitimate with the owners.
Read the full blog post  by Nokia here