26 July 2011
Exclusive Ovi Store paid apps now available in India
After over six months the paid apps are back on Ovi Store.During this period the paid apps where only available for Reliance users.
So if you have been waiting for it you can now download the paid apps on Ovi Store through Master or Visa Card.
Update1:Please Note operator billing is still available only to Reliance users
Update2:themobileindian reported that the paid apps is still in beta and a commercial release will be soon.
Update3:Nokia has pulled the paid apps
Update4:The paid apps are again shown in Ovi Store and is working
So if you have been waiting for it you can now download the paid apps on Ovi Store through Master or Visa Card.
Update1:Please Note operator billing is still available only to Reliance users
Update2:themobileindian reported that the paid apps is still in beta and a commercial release will be soon.
Update3:Nokia has pulled the paid apps
Update4:The paid apps are again shown in Ovi Store and is working