01 September 2010
News:Nokia Beta Labs Announce Swype for Symbian S60
Image via CrunchBase
A dream feature Swype comes to your nokia 5230 and other s60v5 devices.Swype is already featured on Smasung Galaxy S ,Motorola Droid X and other devices.See this nokia labs blog post video
This will bring the feature till only available to high end devices to lower end devices like Nokia 5230 and i hope that it will turn the tide for Nokia.
Swype is an easier way to input text in an easy to use way by gliding through the letter rather than typing.Quoted by Newyork times as the next biggest invention after T9 and coincedentially Mr.Kushlur who devoloped T9 also devoloped Swype.I am very exited to try this out and i will update my expeience as soon as i can,meanwhile i invite any comments on anyone who has tried sywpe.Watch this video on Swype basics
For more videos go to thie swype homepage and click cool tips and tricks in the bootom to see how Swpe works.
Head over to nokia beta labs through this link for downloading Swype for nokia symbian devices.
Note:You need a nokia account to download swype.
how does swype compare to android or iphone please comment love to get to your feedback.