15 April 2011
Google News Optimised for Opera Mini
Opera Mini users can rejoice Google has optimised google news for better viewing on Opera Mini.The news page is now better optimsed for mobile viewing with neatly designed headlines and search bar.This shows that
the 100 million strong opera mini users cannot be ignored,but by a miracle 200 million symbian users can be .

the 100 million strong opera mini users cannot be ignored,but by a miracle 200 million symbian users can be .

Now the different news sections tech,buisness etc, are shown in a single page and you can easily switch the edition from the bottom of the page and supports 29 languages and 70 editions of Google News.The user interface switch back to the older version if you search for keyword.Also the google home page has also got an update.Here are the changes in brief
- redesigned Google News for Opera Mini in all 29 languages and 70 editions of Google News
- homepage featuring richer snippets and thumbnail images
- links to videos and section content without explicit navigation
- convenient search bar and comfortably spaced links
- access your desktop personalization
via[google mobile blog]